Diary of Shakti Ananda, yoga teacher from Portobello.
Shakti Ananda (32, real name Annabel) used to work in fashion PR. But after reading Eckhart Tolle’s The Power of Now, she had an ‘A-ha’ moment and gave it up. She’s now a Sivananda yoga teacher and a Reiki master (level 4). Her mission, aside from becoming enlightened in this lifetime, is to heal those around her and help to raise humanity’s vibration from fear to love.
Tuesday, 1st April.
7 am Wake and set intentions for day: to be perfectly aligned with the Universe, to spread Divine Love, and to clean out the final cupboard in my ex’s allocated ‘rumpus room’.
7.10 am Fill 4 pages of my dream journal. Last night I dreamt that I was floating in a huge fish tank above a giant green shoe.
7. 45 am Make myself a chi-booster shake with acai berry, rice milk and flaxseed oil.
8.03 am Do some breathwork. Phew, I needed that!
8.30 am First class of the day at Houghton’s Health club in Westbourne Grove. Much prefer teaching here to the gym - it has a far higher vibration.
11 am Bump into my friend Jagadambai in Planet Organic. She also teaches yoga and does Reiki (level 3). She tells me she’s doing a lot of processing of childhood issues right now so can’t talk to anyone. But she’s going to a Goddess workshop this weekend.
1 pm Lunch – Miso soup, with a salad of kale and alfalfa sprouts.
1.36 pm Sort through Jake’s old drawers. We’re not talking at the moment, which is sad because I think I could really help him with his issues.
2.30 pm Yoga class at gym. I ask Terry, the manager, yet again to turn up the heating but he says ‘It’s England, luv, put a cardy on.’ Terry is a low vibrational being and is unlikely to
evolve in this lifetime.
5.56 pm Turn up at Jake’s flat with his belongings. I’ve included his copy of ‘What’s making you so angry?’ which I bought him last Christmas and which he’d rammed behind the radiator in his rumpus room.
6.12 pm. Jake finally puts head out of the window. When he sees me, he tells me to leave him alone. He needs to break this pattern of avoidance and denial.
6.18 pm Leave Jake’s belongings on the step and send him love and light that he may start to deal with his issues.
6.54 pm Back home, ring Jagadambai to see where the Goddess workshop is happening. She doesn’t pick up.
7.03 pm Meditate on my rising resentment towards Jagadambai. She’s very spiritually competitive.
7.26 pm Supper of quinoa and marinated tofu strips.
8.47 pm Compose advert for new flatmate. As long as they are tidy and don’t eat meat, I’m pretty easy going.
9.50 pm Log onto Eckhart Tolle TV and listen to an amazing talk on the planet’s current transition from adversity to awakening. Bring it on, baby!
Om shanti shanti shanti