Confessions of a Volunteer Virgin
I’m stroking the soft velvet swatch I snitched from Loaf last week, although it doesn’t quite have the same soothing effect when it’s not attached to a sofa.
I’ve finally nailed a new recipe (granola - toasted oats, nuts, cinnamon and Agave syrup), which is proving a deeply satisfying desk snack.
Before I tackle the House of Lords Children in Crisis report on unaccompanied refugee children in the EU, I really need to replace that mould–riddled shower curtain.
It was a woman I’d never met who finally swung it. As I lay on a plump mattress under a duck down duvet one night in late April, I thought about what she, Liz, had done with her day.
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The Bigger Picture
Getting Published
Your Amazon page is your main window to the world, so you want to make it as arresting as possible.
Book bloggers can be a self-published author's best friend these days. But there are thousands of them out there so you want to make sure that...
There are many ways to get publicity for your book and traditional print media is still one of them.
The ideal press release will contain not only all the relevant information about your book but also...
Twitter, like blogging, is essential to any book marketing campaign these days. It helps you connect with your peers, share important...
‘Blogs are nonsense,’ I say to my friend Gigi back in May this year. ‘They’re for loudmouths with no mates, who have to vent their opinions on-line.’
That first fizz of inspiration can come from anywhere, but for me there were several technicolour moments...
Having initially thought that I would put the book out myself, suddenly the idea of setting up an imprint to publish it under
General Blog Posts
Nestled in the heart of Kings Cross, the Skip Garden is a little oasis of joy, filled with wild flowers, vegetables, beehives and chicken coops.
My screen is awash with images of anoraks, sleeping bags and tracky bums...